Home / Houseplants / Aglaonema Silver Bay Care

Aglaonema Silver Bay (Chinese Evergreen): Care Guide – GIY Plants

Aglaonema Silver Bay (Chinese evergreen) Plant Care guide

Aglaonema Silver Bay (Aglaonema commutatum ‘Silver Bay’) is a hybrid cultivar in the aroid (Araceae) family. It is also referred to as Silver Bay Chinese evergreen and poison dart plant. It’s an evergreen perennial that can grow up to 4 feet tall and wide.

Aglaonema species originated in the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and New Guinea. Aglaonema Silver Bay was hybridized by Dr. Jake Henny at the University of Florida in 1992[1]. He crossed Aglaonema ‘Manila Whirl’ with Aglaonema nitidum ‘Ernesto’s Favorite’ to create Silver Bay Aglaonema.

He began hybridizing Aglaonema houseplants because they tolerate low humidity and light conditions. The leaves have large silvery-gray areas of variegation up the center of the green leaves. The variegation covers about ⅔ of the leaf’s surface area[2].

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to successfully grow silver Chinese evergreen.

Aglaonema Silver Bay Care

Chinese evergreen growing requirements and tips

Silver Bay Aglaonema is one of the easiest houseplants to care for. It isn’t fussy and does well with normal indoor growing conditions. It also doesn’t require pruning or much water.

Silver Bay Chinese evergreen can also be put in lower light areas of the home. Pests and disease are rarely an issue with this plant which is another bonus.

Aglaonema has stunning foliage that will liven up a room and add to your decor.


Silver Bay Aglaonema grows well in regular potting soil that drains well. It does best in soils with a pH between 5.0 and 6.0.


Silver Bay Chinese evergreen doesn’t require a ton of water. In fact, overwatering can lead to root rot. Make sure the top two inches of soil are dry before watering this plant.


Aglaonema silver bay should be grown in medium to low light levels. It will tolerate bright indirect light but shouldn’t receive any direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn.

Humidity & Temperature

Silver Bay Aglaonema likes cooler temperatures and low humidity. Temperatures between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal. It will tolerate temperatures as low as 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Normal indoor humidity levels between 30 and 60 percent are preferred by Aglaonema Silver Bay. Lower humidity can cause the leaves to turn brown.


You don’t really need to fertilize Silver Bay Aglaonema. If you want to add fertilizer, use a liquid houseplant fertilizer that’s been properly diluted per the directions. You should only add fertilizer once at the beginning of spring.


The best way to propagate Aglaonema Silver Bay is by division. To divide the plant, remove it from its current pot. Gently loosen the roots with your finders.

Then, holding the roots and soil, gently pull the root ball apart into two halves. You can now plant each half in separate pots. The stalks will spread into the newly available space, gradually filling the new pots.

Diseases & Pests

Aglaonema Silver Bay doesn’t have any serious pest or disease issues. However, it can be impacted by a few common houseplant pests and root rot.

To avoid root rot, don’t overwater your plant. Each time you water, check for common houseplant pests like aphids, scales, mealybugs, and spider mites.


Like most aroids, Aglaonema Silver Bay contains calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate makes this plant toxic to humans, cats, and dogs.

Aglaonema Silver Bay Benefits

The main benefit of growing Silver Bay Aglaonema is its ability to purify the air indoors. It has been shown to lower both benzene and formaldehyde inside homes. It will also increase oxygen and decrease carbon dioxide in the air.

This plant will also add beauty to your home with its unique foliage. Its dark green and silvery-gray leaves will complement just about any decor.

Aglaonema Silver Bay vs Silver Queen

The main difference between Aglaonema Silver Bay and Silver Queen is the leaf coloration. The silvery-gray variegation of Silver Bay leaves has less dark green mottling throughout.

Silver Queen also doesn’t get quite as big as Silver Bay. It only reaches about 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Silver bay will grow up to 4 feet tall and wide.


[1] Henny, R. J., Poole, R. T., & Conover, C. A. (1992). ‘Silver Bay’ Aglaonema. HortScience, 27(11), 1238-1238.

[2] Klingaman, G. (2004). Plant of the Week: Silver Bay Chinese Evergreen. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

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