Home / Houseplants / Alocasia Jacklyn (Alocasia sulawesi)

Alocasia Jacklyn (Alocasia sulawesi) – GIY Plants

Close up of an Alocasia Jacklyn leaf

Alocasia Jacklyn (sometimes referred to as Alocasia sulawesi or Alocasia tandurusa, though the scientific name is yet to be confirmed) debuted on the international plant scene in 2020, and is already making a splash with its striking, undulating, fuzzy, and amoeba-shaped dark green leaves.

The plant derived its name from Indonesian plant enthusiast, Jacklin Manein Pilendatu, who popularized the plant on social media. Like Jacklin, the rare plant originates from North Sulawesi, Indonesia [1].

The Alocasia Jacklyn belongs to the Alocasia genus (~100 known species) and the aroids or arum family (Araceae), with over 140 genera and 3,750 known species.

In the wild, Alocasias will develop a sheathed flower (spathe) around a stem (spadix) and may even flower indoors under the right conditions.

Alocasia Jacklyn Care

In ideal conditions, the Alocasia Jacklyn may grow to a maximum height of 3-4 feet (0.9-1.2 m), with leaves reaching up to 1.5 feet (0.5 m) or larger.

Its size and unique foliage make the Jacklyn a fantastic showpiece, if you can get your hands on one.

Like other Alocasia plants, the Alocasia Jacklyn is not too demanding so long as you provide it with conditions as close as possible to its warm, humid, and tropical habitat beneath the rainforest canopy.


Like other tropical plants, these plants require well-draining, but moisture-retaining, and loamy soil.

We recommend adding a bit of pumice, charcoal, orchid bar, perlite, and organic matter such as peat moss, coco coir, or worm castings for drainage and nutrients.


Alocasias require moist but not overly soggy soil. Allow the top 1-2 inch of the soil to dry out between waterings (~once a week during summer months or once every two weeks in the winter).


Provide medium to plenty of bright but indirect (shaded or filtered) sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause leaves to scorch, and too little light will stress the plants, resulting in large yellow/brown spots.

Humidity & Temperature

Keep humidities above 50%, or ideally closer to 60-85%. Place the plant in a bathroom or kitchen, on top of a pebble tray, and near an aquarium, mister, or humidifier to maintain the high moisture requirements.

Ideal temperatures range from 65-80°F (16-27°C). Alocasias are frost-intolerant, so avoid temperatures below 45°F (8°C).


Feed these plants a diluted, well-balanced houseplant fertilizer once a month during the spring or summer, and avoid fertilization in the fall and winter. Over-fertilizing will cause salts to build up, which may damage roots and cause leaves to turn yellow or brown.


Alocasia Jacklyns can be propagated in several ways, including by offsetting, division of rhizomes or tubers, and through the planting of corms (or bulbs).

Alocasias will sometimes develop baby plants in the same pot, which can be separated with roots and replanted. This is often the easiest way to propagate.

Mature Alocasia plants will develop many rhizomes or tubers that can be cut with a sharp knife horizontally. Make sure to include a few nodes. Cover the tuber or rhizome cuttings with baking soda (or other antifungal powder) and place in potting soil or peat moss. Roots and leaves will develop in 3-4 weeks and can be repotted.

Alocasia plants may also develop bulbs or corms, which can be extracted and placed in humid, covered, and moist soil. New plants will emerge from the bulbs in 1-4 months.

Diseases & Pests

Alocasias are generally disease-resistant, but most Alocasia species are prone to spider mites. Their large leaves also make them susceptible to high winds if planted outdoors [2].


The Alocasia Jacklyn is mostly ornamental and is considered highly toxic to both pets and humans due to the presence of calcium oxalate and other irritants [2].

If ingested, the mouth and throat may swell and become numb with needle-like pain. Contact poison control immediately.

Alocasia Jacklyn Problems

Droopy leaves are the first signs your Alocasia is unhappy. There are many reasons for this, including overwatering and underwatering your plant.

Overwatering will kill roots and cause leaves to turn yellow. Lack of light or a pot that’s too small for their roots will also cause your Alocasias leaves to yellow.

Low humidity, too much light, and over fertilizing will cause leaves to brown at the edges, shrivel, and droop.

Frequently Aksed Questions

Are Alocasia Jacklyn rare?

Yes, Alocasia Jacklyn are very rare as they are a recent discovery. Although informally traded in Indonesia for a while now, their discovery on social media have made them increasingly sought after. They are often found exported from Indonesia for around ~2 million Indonesian rupiahs (or ~$130 USD) [3].

How to root Alocasia Jacklyn?

To grow roots from the corms often found in Alocasia roots, make sure to plant the extracted corm in an upright position in moist and covered soil.

Others have found the corms easier to root in water. To do so, make sure the tip of the corm is above water. You can try placing the corm inside a small bottle cap, and use the bottles that came with the cap as a humidity dome. Roots may take 1-4 months to form.


[1] Buntuang, S., (2021). Kepala Brantan Manado Berharap Alocasia Jacklin, Tanaman Hias Asal Sulut Miliki Nama Ilmiah [Head of Manado Brantan Hopes Alocasia Jacklin, Ornamental Plant from North Sulawesi Has a Scientific Name]. Manado Sulut News. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from: https://manadosulutnews.com/2021/07/12/kepala-brantan-manado-berharap- alocasia-jacklin-tanaman-hias-asal-sulut-miliki-nama-ilmiah/.

[2] Author unknown, (n.d.). Alocasia (Elephant’s-ear, Giant Taro. North Carolina Extension Garden Plant Toolbox. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/alocasia/.

[3] CNN Indonesia contributors, (2021). Alocasia Jacklyn, Tanaman Hias yang Diprediksi Bakal Hit [Alocasia Jacklyn, an ornamental plant that is predicted to be a hit]. CNN Indonesia. Retrieved on October 1, 2022 from: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/gaya-hidup/20210127133404-277-599033/ alocasia-jacklyn-tanaman-hias-yang-diprediksi-bakal-hit.

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