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Alocasia Odora: Growing Guide for Healthy Plants – GIY Plants

Alocasia odora growing outside and wet after a rain.

Alocasia Odora, known as the Giant Upright Elephant Ear or Night-Scented Lily, is a stunning perennial plant with impressive foliage and easy growth habits. Part of the Asian Taro family, this species displays vibrant green, paddle-shaped leaves that can grow up to 3 feet, extending from strong stems and giving the plant an exotic appearance.

The Alocasia Odora is often mistaken for its close relative, the Alocasia Macrorrhiza. However, our focus today is solely on the former and its growing conditions.

Alocasia Odora Plant Care

Large alocasia odora growing in the landscape outside.


The Odora flourishes in well-draining soil. We recommend a mix of peat moss and perlite to create an ideal environment for the plant. Strive for a soil pH of around 6.5, as this plant appreciates slightly acidic conditions.


For Alocasia Odora, moisture is vital. Ensure the soil remains moist but be cautious of overwatering. Root rot can set in if the plant is waterlogged. Regularly check soil moisture to prevent this issue.


Bright, indirect light suits Alocasia Odora best. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can singe the leaves. An east-facing window is a perfect location, providing the necessary light levels without risking damage to your plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Odora loves a warm and humid environment. Aim to keep the temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a pebble tray or a humidifier to maintain high humidity levels around your plant.


During the growing season, from late spring to early summer, apply a diluted liquid fertilizer to your Alocasia Odora every two weeks. Avoid fertilizer burn by ensuring the fertilizer is sufficiently diluted.

Diseases and Pests

Alocasia Odora can attract pests like spider mites and mealybugs. Wash the plant with warm soapy water or apply neem oil if you notice an infestation. Overwatering can lead to fungal diseases, so maintaining soil moisture is crucial.


Regularly prune your Alocasia Odora to maintain its shape and remove discolored leaves. This practice also encourages the growth of new leaves, keeping your plant healthy and vibrant.


To propagate, separate the rhizomes or tubers from the mother plant. Pot them separately and maintain similar conditions as the parent plant. The new plant should begin to grow under these conditions.


Alocasia Odora is toxic to humans and pets due to calcium oxalate crystals. Be careful to prevent ingestion.

Alocasia Odora Growth Rate

Alocasia Odora exhibits a moderately fast growth rate, especially during its growing season from late spring to early summer. With optimal conditions, it can reach heights of up to 3 feet and similar spreads in just one growing season. Keep in mind every plant grows at its own pace, and variables such as lighting, watering, and care can impact this rate.

Alocasia Odora Flower

Alocasia odora flower opening up on plant.

Alocasia Odora blooms are quite a spectacle. The flowers, known as the spathe and spadix, typically bloom from late spring to early summer. The spathe, an outer covering, is a pale peach hue that wraps around the spadix, the inflorescence. Upon opening, the spadix reveals a plethora of small flowers, making it an intriguing sight to behold.

What Does Alocasia Odora Smell Like?

The bloom emits a beautiful scent, hence the nickname “Night-scented Lily.” Despite the focus on the foliage, the unique flowers of the Alocasia Odora are a delightful bonus.

While only some indoor plants will bloom, the right growing conditions can encourage this process. Keep the plant in bright indirect sunlight and maintain a humid environment for the best flowering conditions.


Growing Alocasia Odora, with its striking green foliage and easy-to-maintain nature, can be rewarding. Its vivid green, large leaves add a tropical flair to your garden or home. Understanding its growth stages and care requirements is vital to nurture this plant successfully.

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