Home / Houseplants / Geogenanthus Ciliatus (Geo Plant)

Geogenanthus Ciliatus (Geo Plant) – GIY Plants

Close up of a Geogenanthus Ciliatus potted plant

Geogenanthus ciliatus (common name geo plant) comes from the Commelinaceae family of plants, and as the name suggests, is from the Geogenanthus genus[1]. The geo plant originates from the northern parts of Amazonia, including Northern Peru and Ecuador, and is considered a herbaceous plant.

In recent years, Geogenanthus ciliatus has become a popular houseplant. Plant collectors enjoy the Amazonian beauty for its unique green rounded and glossy leaves that feature vibrant to dark purple central stripes. It is a low and slow-growing plant that only reaches at most 6″ tall and can double in width.

Geogenanthus Ciliatus Care

The geo plant comes from a tropical climate, which means that caring for one in a temperate household requires immense knowledge. But that does not mean it has to be challenging.

Below you will find everything you need to know about Geogenanthus ciliatus care, from watering to soil pH and everything in between.


The soil for a geo plant should drain well and be kept fairly moist. For a geo to thrive, the soil pH needs to be neutral/slightly acidic at a level between 6.1 and 7.3[2].


To keep a geo plant healthy, it should remain mesic and never be drenched. Following the rule of allowing the top layer of soil to drain between waterings will help you manage this. Waiting too long in between waterings can cause the leaves to wilt and brown.


Geogenanthus ciliatus prefers partial to low lighting[2]. Ensure that you keep the plant out of bright and direct light, as this can damage the unique leaves. Shade is this plant’s friend.

Humidity & Temperature

As a tropical plant, the Geogenanthus ciliatus needs a replicated temperature and humidity. When kept indoors, the geo plant does best in temperatures of 50°F at the lowest and 75°F at the highest. Or if you are working with Celsius, between 10°C and 23.89°C.

Humidity should be between 60 and 90 percent; these levels are abnormal indoors. To achieve the right humidity level, place a humidifier near the plant.


Geo plant do not require frequent fertilization. Because of this, you can fertilize the Amazonian plant as little as once or twice a year. Over-fertilizing is harmful to the Geogenanthus ciliatus, and fertilizer should not be used when it is not actively growing.


To propagate the Geogenanthus ciliatus requires cutting a healthy stem with at least two leaves attached during its growing season. Let your cuttings dry, and follow that by placing the node(s) in a rooting powder. Using a well-draining soil mixture, fill a pot halfway and place the cutting in the center. While holding the cutting in place, fill the pot the rest of the way with the soil mixture. After the potting process, follow the watering, temperature, and humidity protocols.

Diseases & Pests

Like most houseplants, mealybugs and aphids affect geo plants[3]. Another pest that attacks geo plants is whiteflies. Appropriate horticulture oils and soap mixtures can help mitigate these pests.


Geo plant is considered safe and non-toxic for humans and animals. Although, it is not considered an edible plant and should not be used as food despite not being poisonous.

Geogenanthus Ciliatus Flower

Geo plant, scientifically known as Geogenanthus ciliatus, is a flowering plant species[1]. When the geo plant is thriving, it will produce small three-petal flowers in a purple/blue color.

Geogenanthus Ciliatus Variegata

Geogenanthus ciliatus Variegata, or geo plant variegated, is hard to come by and is sought after due to its rarity. The traditional green, purple, and black coloring is even more enhanced when this plant is variegated.


[1] Wikipedia contributors. (2022, April 16). Geogenanthus ciliatus. In Wikipedia. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geogenanthus_ciliatus

[2] The National Gardening Association. (n.d). Geogenanthus ciliatus. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from https://garden.org/plants/view/343250/Geogenanthus-ciliatus/

[3] Scott, J. M., & Williamson, J. (2021, September).Common Houseplant Insects & Related Pests. Clemson University Extension Home & Garden Information Center. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/common-houseplant-insects-related-pests/

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