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Monstera Aerial Roots Guide – GIY Plants

Monstera aerial roots growing down into soil

Have you ever seen roots growing out of pot on your Monstera? Don’t worry; the plant’s primary root system isn’t coming out of the soil. Those are Monstera aerial roots.

Aerial roots are a normal and healthy component of a growing Monstera deliciosa. If you want to learn the purpose of aerial roots and how to manage them, keep reading.

What are Aerial Roots?

Aerial roots are visible above-ground roots. That often provide anchoring for vining plants, including Monsteras. These roots also collect moisture and nutrients for the plant they are attached to. But for plants like mangroves, the roots provide aeration instead of moisture. [1]

When growing outdoors, the aerial roots will attach themselves to trees. So, the Monstera can vine up the trunks. A moss pole is put in place to achieve the same effect indoors. So that the roots have something to attach themselves to.

Despite their abilities to collect nutrients and moisture for a plant. They aren’t necessary for growth and can be pruned back.

Monstera Aerial Root Propagation

One of the first questions many people have when learning about a Monstera plant’s aerial roots, is if you can use them to propagate the plant. And the short answer is no because you need more than just the aerial roots.

Propagating a Monstera plant through aerial roots also requires having a stem with leaves and nodes attached.

  • In water: If you wish to propagate the plant using aerial roots in water, you will need to cut a stem .5″ below a leaf node. With the aerial root attached. Submerge both the Monstera node and aerial root in water. More aerial roots should produce in a few weeks along with plant growth.
  • In soil: Like water, you will also need a Monstera node to propagate the plant with aerial roots attached. Cut a stem with two leaves attached .5″ below a node. Ensure the node is submerged in the soil and water as needed. You can also place the aerial root in the soil if you would like, but it is unnecessary.

How to Cut Monstera Aerial Roots

Managing unruly Monstera aerial roots is simple. If you don’t like the sight of the roots or they are growing out of the pot, you can cut or trim them.

Trimming your Monstera deliciosa aerial roots requires using clean and sharp pruning shears. To remove a root, you will want to cut them close to the base from where they are growing. Try to avoid snipping any stems.


[1]Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, July 8). Aerial root. Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_root

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