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Houseplants That are Easy to Propagate – GIY Plants

Houseplants that are easy to propagate in water

Buying a houseplant or few here and there isn’t incredibly expensive. However, houseplant enthusiasts find that they can save quite a bit of money by replicating their pre-existing plants. The good news is, there are many houseplants that are easy to propagate.

Below are some houseplants you can propagate with ease. In a matter of weeks, you’ll have yourself an even larger plant collection!

7 Indoor Plants That are Easy to Propagate

  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Manjula Pothos in pot sitting on stand

Pothos or Epipremnum aureum is a popular perennial vine. It’s noted for its waxy, heart-shaped, green-and/or-white leaves. Indoor plant propagation can easily be done via stem cutting in water. Air-layering is another common method of pothos propagation. Air-layering is especially ideal to do to plants that have gotten too tall, as an alternative to pruning.

  • Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum)

Potted Curly Spider Plant sitting on pile of cut logs

Hence their name, spider plants feature spider-like leaves. The Chlorophytum comosum comes in a traditional, green variety as well as a variegated variety featuring white stripes. Spider plants can be propagated in multiple ways. Babies or “spiderettes” can be rooted in water or directly in soil. The plant also produces seeds during the warmer seasons, which can be planted.

  • Snake Plants (Sansevieria)

Potted snake plants on desk

Dracaena trifasciata is a type of indoor succulent with thin, stiff, vertical leaves. Its wavy foliage resembles a snake. Snake plants come in a variety of colors from a two-toned green with a snake skin-like pattern, to a green with yellow trim. Snake plants can be propagated by leaf cutting placed in soil or water.

  • Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)

Potted christmas cactus sitting in front of window

Native to south-eastern Brazil, christmas cactus is popularly grown as an indoor cactus. Schlumbergera have green, succulent leaves with a trailing growth habit. They also produce several bright pink, tubular flowers. Propagation is easy through leaf cutting. After the cutting calluses, plant about an inch deep in cactus soil, and water lightly until roots develop.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plants in a planter

Aloe vera is known for its medicinal gel that’s often used topically to heal the skin from sunburns and wounds. It’s also loved for its distinct appearance. The succulent species has thick, pointed leaves rimmed with spikes. Propagate Aloe vera by removing its babies, called offshoots or pups. Separate the pup carefully from the mother to retain roots, and plant in its own pot.

  • Maranta Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura)

Close up of a Green Maranta Prayer Plant leaves

The prayer plant or Maranta leuconeura is quite a colorful houseplant. Different varieties exist with two or more colors and different leaf patterns. Their oblong, oval leaves are loud and expressive. However, at nighttime, their leaves become “shy” as they close up like praying hands. Replicate your prayer plant via stem cutting in soil or water.

  • ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

zz plant in pot sitting on table next to window

Known by its scientific name, Zamiculcas zamiifolia, the ZZ plant is a tropical perennial from Africa. It has several small, green, rounded leaves along stems that grow upright. They can grow in either low, natural lighting or fluorescent lighting. Their versatile lighting preferences make them an office favorite. To propagate the ZZ plant, root a leaf cutting in water or soil.

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