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“String of” Plant Varieties – GIY Plants

Multiple hanging baskets of string of plants

From pearls to hearts, dolphins to arrows, and everything in between. String succulents come in all types of leaf shapes and sizes.

With so many types of string plants available for the home gardener, you’re sure to discover the perfect “string of” plants. For your home or garden.

Most string plant varieties are succulents, meaning they need minimum watering and bright, but indirect sunlight. Ideal for use as indoor house plants.

Types of String Succulents

Below, we’ll go over some of the unique characteristics of our favorite types of string succulents. From rare “string of” plants to popular trailing succulents. What are some of your favorite string of succulent plant varieties?

String of Pearls; String of Beads (Curio rowleyanus; Senecio rowleyanus)

String of pearls in white hanging basket
These remarkable, aromatic succulents are prized for their beautiful, trickling, and pearl-like foliage. Growing best at temperatures ranging from 64-74°F (18-24°C), these marvelous plants can grow up to 3 ft. (1 m.) long, making them great hanging plants.

Prized for their beautiful white flowers. Which produce a pleasant, spicy scent when mature. The popular String of Pearls can be difficult for beginners. Improper care may cause the beads to easily shrivel or turn mushy. Re-pot these plants in a terracotta pot to keep the roots happy. And keep their toxic leaves away from pets and children.

4″ String of Pearls Live Plant Fully Rooted

String of Hearts; Chain of Hearts; Collar of Hearts; Rosary Vine; Hearts on a String; Sweetheart Vine (Ceropegia woodii)

Close up of string of heart leaves
Native to Southern Africa, these flowering sweetheart vines are the original Ceropegia woodii (which has many cultivars/variants). Dripping with baby heart-shaped leaves. String of Hearts make the perfect gifts for loved ones.

These plants love bright conditions and warm temperatures (keep above 50°F/10°C). With love and care, these plants will produce a lovely living mobile of cascading marbled green leaves. Tinged with beautiful purple and pink undersides.

4″ String of Hearts Live Fully Rooted, Ceropegia Woodii

String of Dolphins; Flying Dolphins; Dolphin Necklace (Senecio peregrinus; Senecio hippogriff)

Small white pot of string of dolphins sitting on gravel
With leaves shaped like galloping dolphins spilling out from trailing waves of vine. These rare plants were an instant hit in the succulent community. In Japan, they are especially sought after for their cuteness.

String of Dolphins derive their unique shape from cross-pollination. Between the String of Pearls and Candle Plants (Senecio articulatus). In the fall, expect to be delighted with cinnamon-scented white blossoms.

String of Dolphins are easy to care for. Requiring indirect sunlight and monthly fertilization during active growing seasons only. They reach a height of 6 in. (15cm), but their vines can grow up to 3 feet (1 m.) in length. Their toxic leaves should be kept away from pets and small children.

4″ String of Dolphins Live Plant Fully Rooted

String of Bananas; Creeping Berries (Curio radicans; Senecio radicans)

Three hanging baskets of string of bananas
This plant derives its name from its semi-transparent banana-shaped leaves. Which grow on long and trailing stems that can grow up to 2 ft. (60 cm.) or more. Small, white cinnamon-scented flowers bloom in early spring.

Heat tolerant, these plants are perfect for outdoor gardens. In climates where temperatures are between 50-110°F (10-43°C). Hang these in areas away from pets and children, as the leaves are toxic.

4″ String of Bananas Live Plant Fully Rooted

String of Turtles (Peperomia prostrata)

Pot of string of turtle leaves
Growing up to 1 feet (30 cm.) in length. These non-toxic, small, and creeping plants are perfect for pet owners with small homes. They do not need lots of light. Perfect for the north-facing window or tight areas of indirect light.

The beautiful turtle-like patterns on the leaves also make these perfect for terrariums. Native to the Brazilian rainforest floors, these plants prefer moisture. But do not like being overwatered.

4″ String of Turtles Live Plant Rooted

String of Nickels; Button Orchid (Dischidia nummularia)

Vining string of nickels plants
Named for the tiny, round leaves dangling from their vines. String of Nickels are epiphytes (air plants), meaning they grow on tree trunks or branches in the wild.

Like other string succulents, they grow well indoors. From hanging baskets in partial sunlight. Their white and yellow blossoms are quite small and unnoticeable. Leaves may vary in color from pale green to silvery or bronze tones.

Native to the tropics, these plants can survive in high-humidity areas. Like a bathroom, kitchen, or terranium.

String of Necklace; Jade Necklace; Chinese Pagoda (Crassula marnieriana)

String of necklace in clay colored pot
Characterized by the winding fashion in which their leaves grow. The vines and leaves on these plants resemble strung-together square pieces of jade gemstones. Or a many-layered pagoda.

Growing up to a length of only 20cm (8 in.). These small plants are perfect decor for terrariums, small spaces, or hanging baskets.

These plants prefer full sun, and occasional shade in the summer. Where small star-shaped pink flowers infrequently appear.

String of Tears; String of Lemons (Curio citriformis)

String of tears in hanging pot in street
Often confused with their relatives the String of Pearls. The String of Tears is distinguished by its beautiful waxy, tear-shaped leaves. Which have characteristic vertical tips and translucent longitudinal stripes. Small heads of yellow flowers may also emerge from thin, wiry stalks in late summer.

String of Tears tend to be smaller plants (growing up to 1.6 ft or 50 cm) than their brethren, the String of Pearls. Which can grow up to 3 ft. (or 1 m).

When grown outdoors, keep plants partially shaded. When grown indoors, keep plants in bright sunlight. Their toxic leaves should be kept away from pets and children.

4″ String of Tears Live Plant Fully Rooted

String of Coins; Silver Dollar Plant; Penny Plant; Dollar Vine (Xerosicyos Danguyi)

String of coins growing around a cactus
This bright green, coin-shaped succulent makes the perfect spiller plant in a hanging basket. Or as part of an indoor desert or succulent garden with plenty of bright sunlight.

Their round, 2-inch-diameter leaves begin as pea-green in color before maturing to a silvery gray. A member of the cucumber family, these plants develop tendrils which aid in climbing. Originally from Madagascar, these plants keep well above freezing temperatures. And produce insignificant greenish-yellow flowers.

String of Arrows (Ceropegia woodii variant)

Clay pot of string of arrows with white background
A cousin to the String of Hearts, the String of Arrows is characterized by its distinct triangular, arrow-shaped leaves. That come in deep green with marble-like white veining.

Like the String of Hearts, this cultivar of Ceropegia woodii loves bright to medium, indirect light conditions. These plants are drought-tolerant, and are pet-friendly. Best in hanging pots, they may grow trailing stems up to 2-3 feet long (0.5-1 m.)

String of Spades (Ceropegia woodii variant)

Basket of string of spades
Another cultivar of Ceropegia woodii. This plant is likely a hybrid, and is closely related to the String of Hearts. Their pointed, diamond/spade-like leaves are dark green with cream-colored veins and purple undersides. The long vines on String of Spades also make them beautiful for hanging baskets near sunny windows.

Like other Ceropegia variants, they prefer slightly acidic, quick-draining, and rocky or sandy soil.

String of Watermelons (Curio herreanus)

The String of Watermelons is closely related (same species) to the more common String of Tears. They both have the same characteristic “tear” like shape.

However, String of Watermelon leaves are lined with dark green or sometimes purple stripes. Giving them their characteristic watermelon name. The purple stripes on the leaves will deepen with exposure to bright sunlight. White flowers grow from wiry peduncles (stalks) that bloom from spring to fall.

Grow in partial shade if outdoors, and in bright sunlight if indoors. These trailing succulents need little water, love dry soil, and may grow up to 1 feet long (30 cm).

String of Rubies; Ruby Necklace; String of Pickles (Othonna capensis)

This succulent is characterized by thin oval-shaped (i.e. almost like small pickles) leaves with purple stems. These pickle-like (some say bean-shaped) leaves will turn ruby red when grown in bright sunlight. Bright yellow flowers bloom year long. Infrequent watering and fast growth make these plants ideal for basket hangings.

String of Buttons; Necklace Plant (Crassula perforata; Crassula perfossa; Crassula nealeana)

Close up of string of buttons foliage
Initially grown upright, these plants eventually sprawl like mini-Michelin man arms. To form a loose fountain shape. The small, oval, and gray-green leaves with pink edges grow like a spiral around the plant’s stem. Giving it a stacked-like appearance. Tiny star-shaped white flowers also bloom in the spring.

Easy for beginners, these plants require indirect sunlight and infrequent watering. However, they are toxic, so best kept away from pets and small children.

String of Needles (Ceropegia linearis)

These trailing and climbing plants can grow up to 6.6 feet (2 m) long. Their long, thin, needle-shaped leaves (about the size of a Thai chili pepper) are spaced quite far apart on the vine. Making them great cascading hanging plants. Perfect for a tall shelf or window not too far from bright sunlight.

When String of Needles bloom, expect pale, pinkish white flowers from summer to early fall. Very easy to grow and needing little water, these plants make popular houseplants.

String of Tacos (Peperomia ferreyrae)

Pot of string of tacos
Growing up to only 10 inches (25 cm.) in height and requiring little sunlight. This slow growing, shrub-like plant is perfect for a table top or counter.

As the name implies, the leaves are shaped like folded, bright green tacos. Perfect for a laugh or conversation starter. Native to higher jungle climates of Peru and Ecuador. These plants require moderate humidity (40-70%) and somewhat warm temperatures (60-80°F/15-26°C). Flowers are tiny, yellow, unscented, and insignificant.

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